Our Association

Our Association

The Big Band an der TU Clausthal e.V. was established on September 27th 2017 as an association. The association is responsible for the organization of the rehearsals, it hires the conductor, it buys the necessary literature and musical instruments and it is responsible for all financial aspects of a Big Band, for example the GEMA fees etc. In conclusion: the association ensures that playing music in the Big Band brings a lot of fun. Responsible for the smooth organisation and administration of the Big Band and all its tasks is the management board of the association.

To fulfil these duties properly money e.g. for the payment of the conductor and the literature is required. Therefore, the Big Band charges fees from its regular members according to its fee scales:

  • 5 EUR/month reduced fees (e.g. pupils, students, job-seekers, seniors, ...)
  • 5 EUR/month supporting members
  • 10 EUR/month employed people

For this small contribution members of the Big Band get every month six hours of Big Band rehearsal and two hours sectionals with special subject teachers and additionally a lot of fun for making music together.

All interested persons can request the declaration of membership and the statues of the Big Band at the administration board or download here.

Of course, prior to a membership in the Big Band everybody can participate in rehearsals.

In the medium term active musicians shall not be charged with fees. Therefore we very much hope to see more donors come in.

Vice-chairman and board member

Gunther Brenner
Phone: +49 5323 72-2515
E-Mail: gunther.brenner@tu-clausthal.de
Institut für Technische Mechanik
Adolf-Roemer-Str. 2A
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld


Secretary and board member

Theresa Jütte
Phone: +49 5323 72-2497
E-Mail: theresa.juette@tu-clausthal.de
Dezernat 3
Adolf-Roemer-Str. 2A
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld


Chairman and board member

Bernd Weidenfeller
Phone: +49 5323 72-3865
E-Mail: bernd.weidenfeller@tu-clausthal.de
Institut für Elektrochemie
Arnold Sommerfeld Str. 6
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld


Treasurer and board member

Vera Stein
E-Mail: vera.stein@tu-clausthal.de
Arnold-Sommerfeld-Str. 4
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld